Transform the lives of your clients by connecting them to the services they need.
Interagency referrals make it possible for communities to work together.
Simplifies the communication process by connecting you with other organizations and maintaining a complete client referral history.
Complete interaction between RS-HUB and RS-CMS allows for data sharing.
Built with the user in mind, RS-HUB allows for easy follow ups to existing files.
Interactive interview functionality offers consistency during interviews and document preparation.
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RS-HUB is an interagency referral and interview tool, designed to address the challenges that partnering organizations often face, specifically coordinating referrals and communications with other organizations and doing document generation. If you cannot help your clients, RS-HUB allows you to find another agency that can. Acting as a secure ‘envelope’ around the existing interactive interview program, A2J Author, RS-HUB can be used to do referrals or complete a variety of interviews.
RS-HUB supports the “no wrong door” policy, making it possible for clients to get the help they need wherever they go.
Find your clients the right service(s). Arrange and co-ordinate more than one service(s) that clients require in accordance with your clients wishes.
Simplify interagency referalls. We all want to help and sometimes the best way to do this is to find someone else that can. Let RS-HUB make referrals to other agencies simple.
Promote client success. Enhance your organization's ability to maintain client referral histories. This means that you can follow up with clients and ensure that their’ needs are being addressed.
Tools to help you properly manage cumbersome case
files. Beginning with the setup our user-guided software improves efficiency and reduces errors and omissions. Custom referral packages assist clients in preparing for their referral appointment. Coordinated referrals between partnering organizations track the outcomes of client referrals through the secure referral and messaging portal. Familiar mailbox features also allow organizations to easily manage their incoming and outgoing referrals.
Remove barriers to preparing & filing documents.
Interactive Interviews. Built-in help and user guided interviews make intake processes easier than ever before, allowing receptionists, students, and volunteers to assist throughout the process. RS-HUB maximizes A2J Author's customer friendly, avatar guided experience by ensuring the security of the information being entered and by allowing non-technical users to easily complete otherwise challenging legal documentation. User guided interviews and built-in help saves your organization valuable resources by reducing staff time spent assisting clients in completing interviews and instead allowing volunteers and students to assist. The interactive interview functionality ensures that interviews are completed in a consistent way, regardless of position or training.
Generation. Efficient form generation and document assistance cuts back time spent on the average interview.
Autopopulate Content. Autopopulate content from client profiles and interviews. The Intake page creates a client profile, eliminating the need to manually enter basic information into the system. This information is then used to autopopulate forms and templates. Interactive interview integration guides users through forms and then auto-populates templates with the responses.

Prioritizing the security around client information.
Robust security. RS-HUB offers the level of security expected from an enterprise-class solution while also ensuring client privacy through its dynamic permissions model.
Client consent. Client consent is required prior to any information being captured, reducing the risk of exposure to private client information.
Secure referrals and messaging. Partnering organizations under the same hub can communicate directly through the secure referral and messaging portal. RS-HUB offers local control over agency access and output, as well as automatic time outs that further guarantee the protection of client information.
Integrates with our Case Management System.
Start interviews from either RS-HUB or RS-CMS, passing the data back and forth.