Everything you and your clients need to know in one centralized location.
Alleviant the pressure on your staff by having your client's start new files, cases and intake interviews through a secure web interface.
Improve communication with your clients through secure messaging and satisfaction surveys.
24/7 online service allows for self-scheduling and self-service.
To learn more about our Client Portal please contact us to arrange a demo

To learn more about our Client Portal please contact us to arrange a demo.
Request a DemoAn encrypted, multilingual portal that allows clients to securely share documents, submit forms, and do e-filing. Our secure messaging and document sharing feature lets clients share large sensitive documents securely, rather than as email attachments, where size limitations exist, as do security concerns. The portal makes it easy for clients to maintain their profile and do self-scheduling; reducing the amount of missed appointments and admin time spent updating client profiles.

Make things easier for you and your clients.
When a tool makes jobs easier, users buy in, building efficiency across the board.
Maintain Profiles. Our bilingual Portal allows Clients to log into the system and see their Home Page and update their own profile as their information changes.
Encourages self-scheduling and document management. Once a case is selected the Client has the option of doing self-scheduling, completing and submitting forms, and document management functions to upload, edit, and send authorized information.
Data Compilation. Clients can complete satisfaction surveys on their own time, reducing the need for administrative time required for data compilation.
All of your client information in one place.
Client information is now more accessible than ever.
Access and track client profiles. Keeping track of client information can be difficult. That's why we have made it simple for you to access unified client profiles and track information for the client profile.
Manage Referrals. Easily spot the referral data all in one place.

Your security is important to us.
Secure Communication between you and your Clients.
Secure two-way document sharing. Current email methods lack the security and encryption to meet industry standards. However, our document sharing enables secure, two-way document transfer and communication between you and your Clients.
Hosted in Canada. To get around file size issues companies often use third party software hosted outside of Canada. However, with RS-HUB documents are hosted and stored within Canada to provide your organization with enterprise class security that meets industry standards.
Encryption. All communication through RS-Client Portal, including sensitive documents and health information, will be automatically encrypted and password protected.
RS-Client Portal Modules